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Differences between manual and automatically blocking IP addresses
Step 1: Using tools from third party to collect information of IP addresses clicking on your Ads
Step 2: The information collected will determine whether clicks from the IP address are fraud
Step 3: Manually include these IPs in Google's IP Exclusion section.
Automatic IP prevention from Novaon AutoAds mechanism:
Novaon AutoAds detect click fraud based on your Configuration settings. You only have to do the set-up for once. Other steps (Click fraud detection and prevention) will be automatically executed by Novaon AutoAds. This process is applied to all IP addresses clicked on your ads.
01 STEP ONLY: Setting up your Configuration. Let Novaon AutoAds do the rest of the work.
In conclusion:
The method of Manual IP prevention takes you a lot of time, causing your ads not being shown, bringing negative impacts on your business.
Based on your Configuration settings, Novaon AutoAds can help you prevent click fraud immediately. You only need to set up configurations and the rest is automated. This will save you time for more important tasks.
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