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How OnMarketer solves problems of users

Embedding contact buttons for various communications services is a quick process, taking no more than 5 minutes. Advertisers often encounter difficulty in attracting customer attention and involvement with their websites and businesses. Usually, this is due to limited or no methods of communication being offered to the customer. The MaxLead product will solve this problem for advertisers with only one code to display all call-to-action buttons highlighted on the website.

Record details of website visitors such as name, phone number, email, Facebook, IP address and geographic location: MaxLead helps advertisers and website owners to track visitor information and contact details to help enhance the customer experience.

Detailed analysis of lead collection efficiency by keywords, campaigns and advertising accounts: the most special feature of MaxLead is the recording of conversions when customers click on the contact buttons of the website so that advertisers can determine effective or ineffective campaigns to plan for adjustment.

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