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Instructions for installing pop-up banner

Pop-up banners act as an informative pop-up window and a call to action button attracts customers to interact.

To create an effective banner on MaxLead, you will perform 3 main steps:

Step 1: Choose a template from the available interface
Step 2: Set the appropriate display content
Step 3: Put the newly created banner on your website

Step 1: Choose a template from the available interface
The system provides you with 8 templates with simple layouts, usable with many different industries and uses. In addition, if you already have a banner that has been designed, MaxLead can help you put the banner on the site without resorting to technology. To upload this banner, you need to manipulate the bottom template of the installation screen and then design it, the system will automatically optimize the banner rate to optimize the display on all interfaces and devices.
Step 2: Install banner content
Depending on the interface template you choose, the system will display information for you to set the content of a promotion banner (title, description, artwork, call-to-action buttons, navigation links. ..). Especially, MaxLead supports you 2 types of pop-up banner display to meet your usage needs: Display promotions on the website and Collect customer information
The system automatically displays the promotion banner, to switch to the banner collecting customer information, please operate ON the content of Customer information collection and choose either Email or Phone information to retrieve. information:

After setting this content, you can view the customer information left at the Lead / Pop-up List banner

Step 3: Put the newly created banner on the Website
To put a banner on your website, just "Save" the banner you've just created and turn on the pop-up banner on the website. The banner displayed on the website is automatically optimized by the system, suitable for each type of device: large and small computer screens; Mobile screens rotate horizontally, vertically, ...

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