What can Novaon AutoAds do for your?

Instructions for filling product information in Excel files

After downloading the product listing file, please fill in the information columns according to the instructions below:
Column name Define Format
id - Is the code of the AutoAds system automatically generated corresponding to each product on the website
- Each id includes information of a unique product, if changing the product information id will change "
- With the downloaded product with id: do not change the content of this code to avoid losing product synchronization. If you change the id, after uploading the system will save the below as a new product
- For newly created products: enter the product id as a number. After uploading AutoAds, the system will generate your product identifier id
title - The name of the product
- Required field
- Maximum of 150 "characters" - Describe exactly the product
- Describe product exactly
- Do not include advertising content such as "" free shipping "", capital letters or strange characters
description - Description of product details
- Required field
- Maximum of 5000 characters
- Describe exactly the product
- Do not include promotional content such as "free shipping", capital letters or strange characters
- Only include information about the product. Excludes links to stores, sales information, competitors' details, other products or accessories
- Use formatting (for example, line breaks, lists, or italics) to format descriptions
link - Is the product landing page
- Is the mandatory Import
- Use the domain name verified your
- Start with http or https
condition - As of product status (new, old, refurbished ...)
- Is the mandatory Import
Values ​​are supported:
- new (default value)
- refurbished
- used
price - As the price of the product
- Is the mandatory Import
- Enter the exact products, and concurrently to price match the value from your landing page
- Just enter a digit format, the default currency is VND
sale price - As a promotional price of the product
- It is not mandatory enter field
- Send exactly preferential price of the product and the price which must match for a discount on your landing page
- Just enter a digit format, the default currency is VND
availability - As a condition of the product
- Is the mandatory Import
- Send the exact condition of the product and matches the stocking status on your landing page
- Default values ​​are: in stock
- Value is supported: in stock, out of stock, order in advance
image link - This is the URL of the product image
- Is the mandatory Import
- Start with http or https
- Use a URL encoded RFC 2396 compliant or RFC 1738. For example, the comma will be represented as "% 2C"
- Make sure Google can crawl URLs that Google (configured robots.txt Googlebot and Googlebot-enables image)
gtin - A number of commercial products worldwide (GTIN) of the product
- It is not mandatory enter field
- Do not include dashes and spaces
- Send only valid GTINs as defined in GS1 validation guide official, including the following requirements:
+ There checksum digits and correct digits
+ GTIN is not restricted (GS1 prefix within 02, 04, 2)
+ GTIN is not a coupon (GS1 prefix in the range 98-99)
mpn - Code components manufacturer's product (MPN)
- It is not mandatory enter field
- Just send MPN specified by the manufacturer
- Use specific MPN possible. For example, different colors of a product must have a different number of MPN.
brand - As a brand name of the product
- It is not compulsory school
- Provide the brand name of the product that consumers often recognize
- Do not enter values ​​such as N / A (No), Generic (Generic), No brand (no brand) or does not exist (N).
google product category - A list of products determined by Google for your product
- It is not compulsory school
- Value Added: numerical category ID or the full path of the category
- Include 1 category
- Include the most relevant category


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