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How to pay for product package for AutoAds?

You are completely active in upgrading the AutoAds service package and make a payment right on our payment page. Currently, AutoAds supports the payment method of Transfer. With just a few quick steps, your account will be upgraded immediately.
Step 1: Access the AutoAds payment page by clicking the "Buy now" button at the Price page, or Upgrade directly to the tool:


Step 2: Choose a paid service pack + payment plan

Step 3: select PROCESS TO BUY. Information completion and Payment

Step 4: Transfer to the bank account of AutoAds

Bạn có thể quản lý trạng thái đơn hàng của mình tại phần Thanh toán:

  • Orders that have been successfully paid will automatically update their PAYMENT status.
  • With some banks, the transfer time may be up to 24 hours


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